Our Pepeha



As I sit here (at school)

Ka hihiri ngākau ki tõkū nei kura

I eagerly desire the fruits of knowledge

Ka titiro whakarunga ki Karioi maunga me tõna rerehua

I gaze up at our beautiful maunga Karioi

Whaingaroa moana ngūnguru I te ao ngūnguru I te põ

The never ending rumblings of Whaingaroa ocean

Tukutuku atu taku hoe

I paddle onward

Karewa I pūremū ki a Pirongia

We paddle past Karewa whom was unfaithful with Pirongia

Tau atu ki Aotea me õnā whēnua

I gaze at Aotea and its lands

Kāwhia moana me õna tangata

And then to Kāwhia and its people

Hoki kõmuri mai

Ki tõkū tūrangawaewae ki te kura o Te Mata

And return back here to the shelters of my school

“Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini e!”

(School whakatauki)

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Webb Gould Law Stephen O'Byrne - Bayleys Direct tech Ltd Xtreme Zero Waste Raglan Physiotherapy Raglan Excavations Paterson Burn Hamilton The Parlour Raglan Holiday Park
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