

Enrolment Process

In Zone?


If you are IN ZONE please contact the school directly to enrol your child. If you are unsure if you are in or out of zone, scroll down for a map of the area.

Out of Zone?


If you live out of zone you will need to ballot for a place at Te Mata School. Please read the information available on our website regarding our Enrolment Scheme.

Expression of Interest Form

All out of zone applications need to submit an expression of interest form by the enrolment deadline.  Ballot deadline dates are available below.

Ballot Results & Admission

Ballot results will be advised within one week of the ballot deadline date.

Pre-Application Questions?

We'll be happy to answer any Pre-Application questions 

Contact Us


Enrolment Scheme

We're happy to see you here! You're one step closer to admission!



Enrolment - Expression of Interest

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW ENTRANTS: Te Mata School has an in depth ‘transition to school’ program, this starts 5 weeks prior to your child turning 5 years old. To ensure your child completes the full transition program, we recommend you ballot in the enrolment period that allows your child to complete their transition program in time for their 5th Birthday.


Parent/Caregiver Details

Enrolment Period to start school/transition visits in?
Order of Priority as set down by the Ministry of Education

Te Mata School’s Enrolment Scheme

In order to avoid overcrowding, or the likelihood of overcrowding, the Te Mata School Board of Trustees has adopted an enrolment scheme. Under this scheme, students will be enrolled if they live within the home zone described below. The enrolment of out of zone students is governed by the provisions of the Education Act 1989.

This enrolment scheme began on Monday 23rd April, 2012

  • Maximum Roll of 102
  • The Enrolment Zone

The ‘home zone’ boundaries mirror the school’s Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ) boundaries and therefore do not encroach on other adjoining school catchments.


Home Zone Description

We commence at 1711 Kawhia Road (as per TEZ). Then “take direct lines” to the ends of each road (Makomako Rd, Shea Rd, Plateau Rd, Houchen Rd, Ponds Rd) – through to the intersection of Te Mata Road and SH 23. From the intersection of Te Mata Road and SH 23 the boundary extends to the intersection of Maungatawhiri Road and SH 23 (Nau Mai Rd and Centerbush Lane are not in-zone, Somerset Lane is in-zone).

From the intersection of Maungatawhiri Road and SH 23 take ‘direct lines’ to cross Te Hutewai Rd (North of 233 Te Hutewai Rd, (Benseman Road is in -zone). Then to 1109 Whaanga Road (including Waimunga Rd, Ruapuke Rd, Karioi Rd) and then a direct line to the coast. Follow the coast south to a point on the coast that stretches directly across the Aotea Harbour back to where the zone commenced at 1711 Kawhia Road. (Both sides of the road included unless otherwise stated)

Out of Zone Enrolments

Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school and on the school website www.temataraglan.school.nz.

The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

Zone Map

Ballot Dates and deadlines

2023-2024-2025 Ballot Dates

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Webb Gould Law Stephen O'Byrne - Bayleys Direct tech Ltd Xtreme Zero Waste Raglan Physiotherapy Raglan Excavations Paterson Burn Hamilton The Parlour Raglan Holiday Park
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